It is the policy of Venesky-Brown Recruitment to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees, and to provide such information and training as they need for this purpose.
In accordance with our duty under Section 2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act, 1974 and in fulfilling our obligations to both employees and others who may be affected by our business operations; it is our policy to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety and health of all employees and others and to prevent work-related accidents and cases of occupational ill health. It is also our policy to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks and we commit to continual improvement of the OH&S management system.
Venesky-Brown accepts its responsibility for health and safety of other persons who may be affected by the Company’s activities.
Following the identification of work-related risks and hazards, Venesky-Brown will take preventative and protective measures. It is also the policy of Venesky-Brown to ensure that its business is conducted in a manner so as to reduce the risks to members of the public. The Company may require you to attend such training and/or induction programmes in order to meet the aims of the Company.
The allocation of duties for safety matters, the identity of competent persons appointed with particular responsibilities, and the arrangements made to implement this policy are set out in this policy and in associated health and safety records.
This policy will be kept up to date, to reflect changes in the nature and size of the Company. To ensure this, the policy and its effectiveness will be reviewed annually.
Venesky-Brown is committed to continual improvement of our health and safety performance and compliance with ISO 45001:2018 Safety Standard, legislation and other requirements, such as internal company policies (for example fatigue, work safe and acceptable behaviour policies)
The scope of this Health and Safety Policy covers all Venesky-Brown/Vescala/Venesky Brown Consult employees based in office locations and those with a hybrid model of working; covering the administration and management of the supply of professionals in construction, engineering, corporate services, admin, digital and IT.
The directors recognise that they have ultimate responsibility to ensure that a risk management structure is in place and all reasonable precautions are taken to provide and maintain working conditions which are safe, healthy, and environmentally friendly and comply with all statutory requirements and codes of practice. However it should also be accepted that health and safety at work is everyone’s business and all employees have health and safety responsibilities commensurate with their role.
It is the duty of management to:
Your responsibilities:
All employees and workers have a duty in law to act responsibly and to take reasonable care for the health and safety at work of both themselves and their colleagues. This duty can be carried out by:
All such incidents must be recorded and reported to Nicky O’Brien, Director of People, using the internal report form (DOC66). Any failure to adhere to this policy and the procedures set out in it will be considered a serious disciplinary offence and is one which may lead to dismissal, refer to Disciplinary Policy (POL032).
We strive to meet employee’s health and safety policy statement by setting and maintaining the following objectives and continually improving:
1. Increase random drug testing throughout 2024
2. Improve First Aider / Fire Marshal presence in Edinburgh Office
3. Upgrade Health and safety Practices on Frameworks side of the business
It is the policy of Venesky-Brown Recruitment to ensure the participation and consultation of employees and workers and workers representatives in all parts of the application of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) and work-related activities.
In order to satisfy our policy and legal duties, we are committed to:
Venesky-Brown Recruitment’s main categories of interested parties include but are not limited to customers, employees, statutory/regulatory bodies, external providers and suppliers, local communities and banks.
Party | Needs |
Banks |
Customers |
Employees |
Local Communities/External Stakeholders |
Statutory/regulatory bodies |
Suppliers |
Insurers |
This statement will be reviewed annually to monitor its effectiveness and to ensure that it reflects changing needs and circumstances of Venesky-Brown.
If you are responsible for setting the alarm at the end of the day, failure to set the alarm may result in disciplinary action being taken.
You must observe the evacuation procedures laid down in the event of a fire or any other emergency situation. You must be aware of the location of the emergency exits, assembly points and first aid kit. Procedures to be carried out in the event of a fire or emergency will be found in the Emergency Procedure – Fire (WIGH001)
Ultimate responsibility for health and safety rests with the Board of Directors, with delegation of duty to managerial employees. Those named must be fully aware of their duties, details of which should be included in their job description.
Name: Nicky O’Brien
Status: Director of People
Mobile Phone: 0751 999 7209
Name: Nicky O’Brien
Status: Director of People
Mobile Phone: 0751 999 7209
reported to:
Name: Nicky O’Brien
Status: Director of People
Mobile Phone: 0751 999 7209
The below are the main contacts for risk assessments, we encourage all employees to participate in the creation.
Name: James Shahhet, Soteria UK (Consultant)
Status: Director & Principal Consultant
Telephone extension: 01925 626210
Mobile Phone: 07825 642881
Name: Nicky O’Brien
Status: Director of People
Mobile Phone: 0751 999 7209
Name: Nicky O’Brien
Status: Director of People
Mobile Phone: 0751 999 7209
Name: Nicky O’Brien
Status: Director of People
Mobile Phone: 0751 999 7209
If an accident arises out of or in connection with the work of our business which is:
and happens to either:
we must:
If a different injury occurs, we must make and keep a record of the accident.
It is essential that adequate equipment and staff training is provided on this subject.
Number/location of escape routes: 4
Number/location of fire extinguishers: 2
Number/location of fire alarms: 6
Checked by: Office Manager
Frequency: Weekly
Name: Megan Drysdale & Jonny Cunningham
Status: Office Manager & Delivery Manager
Mobile phone: 077254 2764
Email: &
Name: Megan Drysdale
Status: Office Manager
Mobile Phone: 07803 426147
Frequency: 6 months
Name: Fesscom Fire Protection
Address: 55 Forthview Crescent, Edinburgh, EH14 5QS
Telephone Number: 0131 623 5203
Rules/Procedure in the event of a fire:
Please refer to the Emergency Procedure – Fire (WIGH001)
All workplace equipment should be treated with respect and checked regularly
General rules governing the safe use of portable electrical equipment:
Good training will ensure that employees are competent to carry out their tasks, thus reducing risk to health and safety.
Name: Nicky O’Brien
Status: Director of People
Mobile Phone: 0751 999 7209
Health and safety information can be found:
Health and Safety Manual (MAN06)
Where employees or temporary workers work at locations under the control of another employer, health and safety risk assessments may need to be performed by the other employer.
Name: Nicky O’Brien
Status: Director of People
Mobile Phone: 0751 999 7209
Name: Nicky O’Brien
Status: Director of People
Mobile Phone: 0751 999 7209
Name: Nicky O’Brien
Status: Director of People
Mobile Phone: 0751 999 7209
an employer has a duty to eliminate or control risk as far as is reasonably practicable before resorting to personal protective equipment. However, many tasks require such precautions, in which case persons at risk must be provided with suitable protective equipment.
Name: Nicky O’Brien
Status: Director of People
Mobile Phone: 0751 999 7209
Name: Nicky O’Brien
Status: Director of People
Mobile Phone: 0751 999 7209
Name: Nicky O’Brien
Status: Director of People
Mobile Phone: 0751 999 7209
First Aid requirements must be met for all employees whether they are working at the designated premises or elsewhere. Employees must be made aware of the provision, and records must be kept of treatment administered.
Name(s): Shannon Hutchinson
Status: Senior Compliance Administrator
Name(s): Euan Pratt
Status: Recruitment Consultant
Name(s): Greg Nesbitt
Status: Recruitment Consultant
Name(s): Kate Harvey
Status: Business Support Coordinator
The following is a guide to the contents of the Company’s first-aid box: